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James Balston and why being an Industry Partner fits with being a photographer

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James Balston of James Balston Photography talks to us about why being an Industry Partner of the BIID has helped him to grow a successful business.

James Interior


What does your business do?

I am interior and architectural photographer.  I photograph all aspects of interior including residential, bars, restaurants and architecture.  I have been doing it for 18 years now.  I had previously trained and worked as an interior designer which I loved but I knew the fit wasn't quite right.  I loved interiors and photography and when I realised, I could combine the two it gave me a stress-free way to enjoy build a successful career. 

What is it that you love about interiors?

I loved them since I was a child.  At one point we had moved into a new house and I would constantly be drawing plans to redesign the house.  I went on to do my degree in interior design. It has always been my passion. I was really glad I was able to keep within the interiors world by photographing them.

What has been your greatest business achievement?

Well I have been teaching KLC and that has been really rewarding.  I have also had some good magazine covers including Homes and Antiques and English Home in the UK. They gave me added recognition in the industry and also a credibility that helped me continue to grow. 

James Interior

Why did you become an Industry Partner?

I think it was back in 2005 so it was a very long time ago! It was on the recommendation of a friend of mine. She was a member and suggested it as a good way of contacting interior designers.

What has been your experience of being a BIID Industry Partner?

It has been a great way to contact designers. When I first started, I did offers and discounts specifically for BIID members. That really paid off for me the BIID has been a huge part of my finding new clients, a large portion come through the BIID. 

Will you continue as an Industry Partner?

Yes, it has worked for me and I like working with an organisation like the BIID as it gives credibility and show I take interior design seriously.

What would you say to someone considering becoming an Industry Partner?

Do it but make the most of the opportunities. I go to the events and make an effort to meet people. It is not always a sales pitch, sometimes it is just meeting people and building relationships.